“My father was an entrepreneur in Cleveland. He was a union drywall taper contractor, so I grew up with a sanding pole in my hands. Sometimes when you’re the son of the boss, somebody holds your hand and shoves a silver spoon somewhere, but that’s not really how it worked in my world. It was […]
Category: WeAreOhioSE Story
Cheryl Greene
“I grew up near here, a Hillsboro address but I went to Peebles High School. Once I left college, I ended up living in Columbus for three years and was the Assistant Manager of a condominium complex. There I met my future husband, who also happened to be a graduate of Peebles and is a […]
Jason Brooks
“The business started in Columbus, Ohio with my great-grandfather and his brother. They were working at a shoe factory until it went bankrupt during the Great Depression. Footwear was what they knew and grew up with, but ended up with nothing. Then they heard about this old shoe factory in Nelsonville, Ohio that had closed […]
Mitchell Ryan Galliher
“We were both working at The Ohio Grille when the previous owners approached us about buying the place. We were thinking that this was probably just a pipe dream. My business partner, Tyler Barrett, has had a very deep love of food for as long as I’ve known him. He’s a culinary genius, in my […]
Natalie and Justin Brown
“MPR Supply Chain is located in Bellaire at Ohio River Mile Marker 92.5. This one hasn’t been named yet, although it’s a highly trafficked area. We’re not the only game in town, there’s a lot of waterway transportation, and there is quite a bit of a coal industry still in the area, too. Natalie is […]
Paul Miller
“Bellisio Foods was founded by a gentleman by the name of Jeno Paulucci in 1990. His family immigrated here from Italy and he was raised in Duluth, Minnesota. In 1932, he started a grocery store out of his home, selling his mom’s meals. She was known for her cooking skills…real Italian food! As the years […]
Stacy Strauss
“Our goal with the Innovation Center at Ohio University is to help startup companies break down the barriers that would impede their launch and growth. The Center started in 1983. The University’s president at the time and another leader realized they needed to leverage the resources we have here to benefit the regional economy. They […]
James Martin
“I’m originally from London, England, and lived there for 35 years. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 11 years old. I quit school at 16. Going to college and university was never on my radar and I’ve never regretted that. I’m not saying that’s the path that everybody should take, but if you […]
Snowville Creamery
This is a combined interview with Anna Shields, General Manager, Heather Fuston, Business Development & Marketing Manager, and Victoria Taylor, Owner. “Dairy production on a large scale is a commodity, and we believe that takes so much of the connection out of it. Satisfying a bottom line makes the product about money—not the customer, not […]
Rich-Joseph Facun
“My family and I had just moved from the south into a very rural area of Millfield, a former coal mining town in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio. I’m indigenous Mexican and Filipino, and at the time, racial tension in the country was increasing — especially towards Mexicans. As I watched everything transpire in […]