Attracting a new company to build or locate in the Appalachian Partnership region most often starts with a detailed list

of questions about land.
“Site selectors request dozens of data points we need to have at our fingertips,” said Mike Jacoby, vice president for APEG business development. “Information about available utilities is usually a starting point but site-specific engineering details and due diligence studies are also required.”
The basic site characteristics are expected to be available online, the starting point for most industry location searches. As one of JobsOhio’s six network partners, APEG’s available sites can be searched through a powerful new software called Zoom Prospector by GIS Planning that has been implemented statewide.
Site Authentication
SiteOhio Authenticated is a new program developed by JobsOhio to help communities win projects by having the most competitive sites possible. As a site authentication program, it goes beyond the usual site-certification process, putting properties through a comprehensive review and analysis.
The authentication designation indicates a site is ready for immediate development, day one; guaranteeing that all utilities are on site with adequate capacities and that due diligence studies have been completed.
SiteOhio also ensures the site is free of incompatible uses, with no limitations or liabilities from conflicts with surrounding properties.
Highland County’s 80-acre Leesburg site was one of the first properties to receive SiteOhio Authentication. Ohio’s authenticated properties will be actively promoted to industries looking for new locations.