ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Energy companies in Ohio produced more than 132 billion cubic feet of natural gas from July 1-Sept. 30, up from 88 billion cubic feet during the previous three-month period, figures from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources show.
The 132 billion cubic feet of natural gas for the three-month period is more than was drawn in all of 2013 in Ohio.
Wells in Belmont and Monroe counties leading the state in production, state figures show. Ohio Oil and Gas Association Senior Vice President Shawn Bennett said the shale blitz is a “gift for eastern Ohio.”
“Belmont County and Monroe County have been blessed with some really good geology,” he said. “Clearly, the rigs are moving south to take advantage of it.”
Bennett refers to the drilling activity that previously was heavily concentrated in counties such as Carroll and Columbiana, but has steadily moved southward.
“Overall, the production numbers are encouraging. … You have to poke a lot of holes in the ground to find the true sweet spot,” he said.
ODNR numbers indicate the state’s most productive well during the third quarter was the Antero Resources Gary well in western Monroe County, which produced 1.7 billion cubic feet on its own during the period.
In Belmont County, the production figures show the Rice Energy Bigfoot well pumping 1.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas during the quarter. The Gulfport Bolton well near Barnesville yielded about 1.08 billion cubic feet in the quarter.
According to information from Cabot Oil and Gas, 1 billion cubic feet of natural gas would provide enough energy to power 24,315 homes for a year.
A Chesapeake Energy well producing 730 million cubic feet in Springfield Township led the way in Jefferson County. A well in Athens Township operated by Hess led the way in Harrison County by pumping about 700 million cubic feet.
An Antero well in Noble County produced 550 million cubic feet during the period, while a Gulfport well in Guernsey County pumped 310 million cubic feet.
Chesapeake remains the most active driller in Columbiana and Carroll counties, ODNR records show. The Oklahoma City-based firm produced 452 million cubic feet of natural gas from one well in Columbiana County and 657 million cubic feet from one operation in Carroll County.
The highest producing oil well in the state during the third quarter was a CNX Gas Corp. Noble County operation that yielded 50,159 barrels of crude throughout the period.
“If oil prices were higher, we would have more people drilling for oil,” Bennett said. “As a consumer, though, it is nice to have lower gasoline prices.”
From Wheeling News Register | By CASEY JUNKINS, Staff Writer
“Belmont County and Monroe County have been blessed with some really good geology.” Shawn Bennett, senior vice president of the Ohio Ohio and Gas Association
Most productive shale wells by eastern Ohio county, July 1-Sept. 30:
County Company Township Production
Belmont Rice Energy Smith 1.3 Bcf
Monroe Antero Resources Seneca 1.7 Bcf
Harrison Hess Corp. Athens .7 Bcf
Jefferson Chesapeake Energy Springfield 0.73 Bcf
Noble Antero Resources Seneca 0.55 Bcf
Guernsey Gulfport Energy Oxford 0.31 Bcf
Columbiana Chesapeake Energy Franklin 0.452 Bcf
Carroll Chesapeake Energy Fox 0.657 Bcf
Note: Bcf equals billion cubic feet
Source: Ohio Department of Natural Resources
According to information from Cabot Oil and Gas, 1 billion cubic feet of natural gas would provide enough energy to power 24,315 homes for a year.
What can 1 billion cubic feet of natural gas power?
- 24,315 homes for a year;
- 3,600 televisions, non-stop, for a century
- 85,000 cross-country road trips
- 559 trips to the moon … and back
Source: Cabot Oil and Gas