Five women were honored Tuesday night for their outstanding achievements in the 2016 Highland County Women’s Hall of Fame ceremony at Southern State Community College in Hillsboro.
Tuesday’s inductees were Anneka Collins for public affairs, Marilyn Morris Anders, Gayle Coss and Paige Juillerat for community service, and Mary Ann Sommers Larkin for education and community service. Anders was unable to attend due to illness and was represented by her son, Dave Anders.
All inductees were previously profiled in articles that appeared each day in The Times-Gazette leading up to Tuesday’s ceremony.
Inductees on Tuesday were presented with commemorative awards. The Times-Gazette’s Sharon Hughes and Ann Runyon-Elam also presented each inductee with flowers, gift subscriptions to The Times-Gazette and a copy of Salt magazine.
Southern State President Dr. Kevin Boys welcomed attendees, while 2016 inductees were honored by Sue Smith and Virginia Purdy. The invocation was offered by the Rev. Judi Wiley of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, while committee member Karen Faust offered the benediction. Dinner was catered by All Seasons Catering.
Hall of Fame committee members are Virginia Purdy, chair, Peggy Addington, Karen Faust, Zanna Haines, Sharon Hughes, Frances Larkin, Kathy Levo, Marilyn Mitchell, Pam Nickell, Leslie Ramsey, Debbie Rhude, Angela Shepherd, Sue Smith and Robin Tholen.
Sponsors for the event were The Times-Gazette, All Seasons Catering, Community Savings Bank of Greenfield, Highland County Chamber of Commerce, Kroger, Red Dot Trophies, Southern Hills Community Bank of Lynchburg and Leesburg, Southern State Community College, WVNU Radio and the Highland County Press.
From The Times Gazette