Metals Fabrication

Ohio’s iron and steel manufacturing began in the eastern and southern counties of the state 200-plus years ago utilizing local ore and energy resources and the mighty Ohio River for transport. Today, those counties make up the Ohio Southeast region, which boasts more than 178 businesses in the metals sector and relies on a skilled workforce, abundant low-cost energy and the powerful Ohio River.

Download The Industry Spec Sheet.

Southeast Ohio is a hub for metal fabrication

Available Workforce: The region had a net commuter outflow of 35,359 goods producing workers as of 2017.

Skilled Workforce: In 2018, the OhioSE region produced nearly 600 graduates in 23 programs.

Metals Specialization: Over 7,000 employees, a concentration 43% higher than the national average.



The OhioSE metals manufacturing subsectors includes primary metals, fabricated products, and machinery and represents approximately 20% of the region’s manufacturing workforce.

metal Fabrication Stats

Why Ohio Southeast


Southeast Ohio is connected through major US interstate, four lane quality highways.


355 miles of shoreline border our region with access to five major terminals on the Ohio River Inland Waterway.


Rail service includes Norfolk Southern, CSX Transportation, local and regional railroads.


Workforce is committed to family and staying in their multi-generational communities.

Key Regional Assets

Ohio has nine foreign trade zones and is the only state in the Midwest with direct shipping routes to Europe for both container and heavy goods.

Our taxes, wage rates, and utility costs are below national and regional averages. Ohio taxes are some of the most favorable in the USA for manufacturing or any business selling goods and services outside of Ohio.

In 2021, the Tax Foundation ranked Ohio 4th most favorable for capital-intensive manufacturers for mature firms and 3rd for capital-intensive manufacturing for new firms.

Regional Snapshot

Major Metal Fabricators in the Ohio Southeast Region

Fast Facts

  • Ohio is #1 in forging and roll forming

  • Ohio is #2 in primary metal manufacturing employment

  • Ohio is #3 in fabricated metal product manu- facturing employment

  • Taxes, wage rates, and utility costs below national and regional averages

  • Ohio is the 3rd largest state measured by manufacturing output

2020 Total Electric Industry-Average Retail Price for the Industrial Sector

I Can Help

Katy Farber, OhioSE VP, directly oversees the OhioSE-JobsOhio project management efforts. She was an OhioSE Project Manager for five years, working with eight of the southern-most counties in the region prior to her vice presidency promotion.

Contact Katy

Southeastern Ohio is the Choice

“We have a great advantage being located in Southeast Ohio. Our potential workforce has great technical skills starting on day one and are motivated to learn more every day. We also have most of our outsourced aerospace special process needs met within a 2 hour drive.”

Dan Erb Jones Metal

Leading Metals Fabrication Companies in the Ohiose Region