APEG Staff Updates

Bolton joins staff

Patrick Bolton joins the APEG wood products team as a Manufacturing Improvement Specialist.  He will be working with the Ohio Wood Products Database and supporting the growth and development of regional companies in the wood manufacturing supply chain as part of the Forest to Furniture initiative, funded by the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Bolton brings skills as a cost analyst and buyer in commercial and residential construction and automotive manufacturing.  He has retail sales, purchasing and management experience including customer service and staff development.

He earned a bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University. Contact:  pbolton@apeg.com.

Roush takes new role

Jesse Roush has been named Senior Project Associate for APEG’s Forest to Furniture initiative.

Roush and his staff are building support programs for the small businesses that make up the region’s $5+ billion forest and wood manufacturing industry.  Contact:  jroush@apeg.com

From Q4 2016, Page 4